Welcome to USAMSX.com. We are a group of MSX enthusiasts and collectors who live in the United States.
Olivier - Maggoo
Thomas - SkyeWelse
Serge - MisterSpin
As there has traditionally not been much of an American MSX scene before, we are hoping to change this and we hope to showcase some of our current projects with you all.
We are currently working on placing content from our MSX 30th Anniversary exhibit at the first annual Vintage Computer Festival Southeast. We will be adding new content from our exbibit going forward.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email us at (admin @ usamsx.com)
We have finished our MSX (and PC-98) Exhibit at the Vintage Computer Fair SouthEast 4.0 titled "Retro Japanese Computers" held April 2, 2016.